Ren and Du Vessels: Bonding and Individuation
Course4 PDA's This class is a combination of text and video. We explore the role of the Ren Channel in governing our original bonding imprints and how the Du Channel's governs our ability to move in and through the world.
The Belt Channel and the Ancestral Sinews
Course4 PDA's Class is a combination of text and video. We explore the Belt Channel’s roles of consolidation and draining. The Belt Channel is a vessel of Heart-Kidney communication. Issues that the Heart cannot deal with can get stored in the Belt.
Wei Vessels: the Unfolding Over Time
Course4 PDA's This class is a combination of text and video. This class explores the Wei Vessels from the perspective of their role in linking the events of our lives over the rhythms of our life, the cycles of 7 & 8.
Qiao Vessels: Our Stance and View
Course4 PDA's This class is a combination of text and video. We explore the Qiao Vessels and their archetypal roles related to our stance towards ourself and the world and our view of ourself and the world.
Understanding the Hun, Po, Ling and Shen in Chinese Medicine
Course4 PDA's This class takes a look at the life experience as being that of a spiritual being having a material experience. Life is a union of the Fire of Heaven and the Water of Earth and this takes place through the Hun, Po, Ling and Shen.
The Doctrine of Astrological Signatures: Ancient Greek Astrology applied to the Chinese Medical model
CourseExplore Greek astrology, its influence on early concepts of Western medicine, and what it can offer to Chinese medicine. Teaches you how to do a reading and synthesize the findings with Chinese medicine(15 NCCAOM PDA's) Instructor: Josh Warren