This 4 hour class is a combination of text and video.  We explore the Belt Channel’s roles of consolidation and draining.  The Original Belt maintains integrity of our Upright Qi and allows for the Mingmen to disseminate the yuan qi effectively.  The Belt Channel is a vessel of Heart-Kidney communication and issues that the Heart cannot deal with in the moment get stored away in the Belt, eventually weighing down the Kidneys and the ability for the Mingmen to move us on our path of destiny.  This process is mediated by the ancestral sinews, the sinews that mediate the upright posture, the communication between Heaven and Earth and whose health is related to the genitalia and the literal and figurative ability to create in the world.  This class explores the acupuncture energetics and trajectories of the Belt Channel for application in the treatment room.  We also look at the likely pathologies and diagnostics associated with the Belt Channel.

Course curriculum

    1. Course Directions

    2. Introduction to the 8 Extraordinary Vessels

    1. Themes of the Belt Channel

    2. Mingmen and the Pericardium

    3. Belt, Heart-Kidney Axis and Ancestral Sinews

    4. Ancestral Sinews and the Belt Channel

    5. Part 2: Ancestral Sinews

    1. Belt-pathologies and trajectories

    2. Trajectories of Belt Channel and Da Bao

    1. Belt Channel: Worksheet

    2. Quiz: Belt Channel and the Ancestral Sinews

    3. PDA Program Eval- Online Belt

About this course

  • $80.00
  • 12 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content