This 4 hour class is a combination of text and video.  We explore the role of the Ren Channel in governing our original bonding imprints.   The Ren is the maternal matrix, the sea of yin, and our early childhood bonding affects everything in our lives.   It is our ability to bond to the Earth, to connect with others and for our spirit to be fully bonded to our body.   Our ability to bond is associated with the lessons of the Po, our earthly soul.  The Du Channel is the sea of yang, and governs our ability to move in and through the world.  It holds the potential for us to aspire towards Heaven and to extend our creative abilities into the world.  This class explores the acupuncture energetics and trajectories of the Ren and Du for application in the treatment room.  We also look at the likely pathologies and diagnostics associated with the Ren and Du.

Course curriculum

    1. Course Directions

    2. Introduction to the 8 Extraordinary Vessels

    1. Ren and Du: Reflections of Heaven and Earth

    1. Ren Story, Trajectories, and Diagnosis

    2. Themes of the Ren Vessel

    3. Trajectory of the Ren Vessel

    1. Du Story, Trajectories and Diagnosis

    2. Themes of the Du Vessel

    3. Du Trajectory points

    1. Bao Mai, Ren, Du and the Po

    1. Worksheet: Ren and Du

    2. Quiz: Ren and Du

    3. PDA Program Eval- Online Ren and Du Vessels

About this course

  • $80.00
  • 13 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content