About Soul Pivot Seminars  

 The mission of Soul Pivot Seminars is to provide practical tools to align the Heart-Kidney Axis, also known as our Spiritual Axis, in order to help keep us flowing along the pathway of our lives with purpose and creativity.  This sense of moving along the spiritual trajectory of our life has been called Destiny, or Ming, and it is a traditional part of the bigger picture of Chinese Medicine.  Chinese Medicine and the acupuncture channel systems tell the story of the soul's journey through the world in great detail.  It is a story of spiritual embodiment and the convergence of Heaven, Earth and Humanity, within this mysterious, miraculous, and often challenging vehicle of the human body.  

     Soul Pivot Seminars was created by Peter Shea to offer enjoyable and meaningful education that approaches Chinese medicine from the perspective of a spiritual being having a material experience.  In the systems of Chinese Medicine, the spiritual traditions are woven together with the medical systems. The spirituality is not something that was superimposed at a later date.  It is inherent in the point names, the point functions, the organ relationships, the channel trajectories and the channel progressions.  It is the Inner Tradition and it is elegant and beautiful in its ability to shed light on the human experience.  

About Peter Shea, DACM, L.Ac.

    Peter Shea is a teacher, writer and clinician of Chinese medicine.  He graduated from the International Institute of Chinese Medicine in Santa Fe, NM in 2003.  He is the Clinic Director at Daoist Traditions College of Chinese Medical Arts in Asheville, NC and he has taught classes at Daoist Traditions since 2009, including Tui Na, Differentiation of Syndromes, Treatment of Disease, Clinic Preparation, Sinew Meridians, Divergent Meridians and 8 Extraordinary Vessels.  Peter Shea has been teaching continuing education through Daoist Traditions and Soul Pivot Seminars since 2010.  He is the author of "Alchemy of the Extraordinary: A Journey into the Heart of the Meridian Matrix," published in 2015, a book on Daoist spirituality and the 8 Extraordinary Vessels.  He received his doctorate in acupuncture and Chinese medicine from Daoist Traditions College in 2023.

     He has studied with Jeffrey Yuen for many years at Daoist Traditions and he has studied Chinese medicine, Tui Na and Qigong with many teachers over the years and has visited Daoist temples and Daoist sacred mountains in China.

     Peter Shea enjoys teaching grounded information on spiritual and alchemical topics through the lens of Chinese medicine.  It is a beautiful, natural and magical perspective on health, spirituality, life, and death.  


Coming soon! Classes on the Hun, Po, Ling and Shen, the I Ching, and Alchemy of the Life Story

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