Course curriculum

    1. Course Directions

    2. Context of the Hun, Po, Ling and Shen

    3. Context of the 5 Spirits

    4. Orientation to the Hun, Po, Ling and Shen

    1. Hun and Po Text

    2. Po: Corporeal Soul and Ancestry

    3. Po and the Lessons of Life

    4. Hun: Ethereal Soul and Heavenly Messenger

    1. Shen

    2. Ling

    1. Quiz: Understanding the Hun, Po, Ling and Shen in Chinese Medicine

    2. PDA Program Eval- Online Understanding the Hun, Po, Ling and Shen in Chinese Medicine

    1. Crucible of Incarnation draft

About this course

  • $80.00
  • 13 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content