This class explores the concept of ethics from both an Eastern and Western perspective.  We discuss the concept of "De"- with translations ranging from "virtues" to "spiritual power."  We look at the higher virtues of each element and the challenges associated with each element. The premise of this class is that if we cultivate the ability to look at these aspects of ourself, we can minimize transference and projection in the treatment room.  Includes optional bonus videos for each element.

Course curriculum

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    • Course Directions
    • Text: Ethics and the Virtues of the 5 Elements
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    Optional Videos

    • Ethics and the Elements Video 1
    • Ethics and the 5 Elements Video 2
    • Video: Water
    • Video: Wood
    • Video: Fire
    • Video: Earth
    • Video: Metal
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    Quiz: Ethics and the Virtues of the Elements

    • Worksheet: Ethics and the Virtues of the 5 Elements
    • Quiz: Ethics and the Virtues of the 5 Elements
    • PDA Program Eval- Ethics and 5 Elements