Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to Signature Astrology

    2. Goals of this course

    1. Historical Overview of Western Astrology

    2. Key Concepts

    1. The First House Cusp

    2. Individual signs and corresponding house themes

    3. Ways of "Looking" at the Chart

    4. How to render an astrology chart

    5. Planets, Signs, and Symbols

    6. Basic Angular House Orientation

    7. Planetary Directionality

    8. Angular Houses in Depth

    1. The Expressivity of the Oikodespotes

    2. Revisiting Melothesia, Astral Piety and Cosmic Sympathy

    3. Beyond the Symptom, the Living Body beneath

    1. The Living Body

    2. Cosmic Empathy and Looking Forward

    3. The Layered Body Model Visually-Represented

    1. Correspondences of the Signatures

    2. 1st House/Aries: Part I

    3. 1st House/Aries: Part II

    4. 1st House/Aries: Part III

    5. 2nd House/Taurus: Part I

    6. 2nd House/Taurus: Part II

    7. 3rd House/Gemini: Part I

    8. 3rd House/Gemini: Part II

    9. 4th House/Cancer: Part I

    10. 4th House/Cancer: Part II

    11. 5th House/Leo

    12. 6th House/Virgo

    13. 7th House/Libra: Part I

    14. 7th House/Libra: Part II

    15. 7th House/Libra: Part III

    16. 8th House/Scorpio

    17. 9th House/Sagittarius

    18. 10th House/Capricorn

    19. 11th House/Aquarius: Part I

    20. 11th House/Aquarius: Part II

    21. 11th House/Aquarius: Part III

    22. 12th House/Pisces: Part I

    23. 12th House/Pisces: Part II

About this course

  • $350.00
  • 48 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content


  • Learn how to read an astrological chart

  • Learn how astrology can be considered a medical device

  • Connect astrology reading to CM zang fu health for deeper self understanding, patient diagnosis, treatment.

  • Develop a thorough framework for viewing the psychophysical body as was Classically understood.

  • Gain a rare glimpse into the earliest Western perspectives of the body and how they correlate to Chinese medical concepts.